Are you sick of the ‘Chinese Opera’ in MCA recently? I, for one, am suffering from overdose of news, articles and opinions covering the ongoing debacle in MCA. Silly it is, I should spare myself of such suffering, just minding my own business and join many others out there whom had written off MCA as being ‘IRRELEVANT’ because “I don’t care, nothing to do with me”.
By ShortTake
After all, many have dismissed MCA as not representing its original cause, i.e. the majority Chinese – that MCA has not been able to, cannot do much for the Chinese community, so it makes no difference.
The easiest way out will be to join in the apathy for MCA. However, my idealism tells me not to give up Hope just yet in seeing reforms in this 60+ year old party. The fact is that whether we like it or not, the policy-making and actions of some of these ‘Leaders’ (if they befit being honoured as such) from MCA can still affect the lives of many grassroot people, the Rakyat. Hence, I have to claim my right in wishing for good, righteous leaders to be fairly elected and not let the wicked thrive in whatever small way I can.
I am a typical youth ‘on the street’ who has been quietly following the developments in MCA. I am, perhaps, just one strange, naïve citizen who still appreciate the things that MCA has done all these years, no matter how little. I do not get paid for writing here and I have no interest in seeing whoever wins in MCA.
I wonder why is it that many writers and reporters have been diligently analyzing, debating even forecasting on the possible outcome of the MCA fresh polls but No one bothered to find out how do WE, the Rakyat, generally feel or what do we think about each Candidate running for the top posts in MCA so far ?
Of course, savvy intellects familiar with political structures will tell me that it does not matter what the Rakyat generally think, as after all, it is the MCA Delegates who hold the power to decide Who gets to lead MCA, not the Rakyat. I accept that, but I would like to remind Delegates that there is no point to elect wrong people to helm MCA if eventually this causes greater defeat or even complete wipe-out in upcoming General Election.
So, Delegates - why don’t you go to ask people around you, what do they think about each candidate? Find out especially what are the youth’s wishes (I try not to be biased here since I am a youth myself but surely, the electoral statistics ought to convince you why you have to adopt such approach).
There is so much report about the ongoing MCA power struggle – we do not know which are to be believed or not, so I have chosen to write for more constructive purpose here.
For the benefit of those who do not have the luxury of time to digest much information so far, allow me to share with you some brief observation of 3 ‘main candidates’ and their respective perceived Pros and Cons that I gather from media so far. I also have some Queries for each of them.
I trust that you are all intelligent readers who can figure out Who is Who even without naming such candidate. I must admit that I may have my own prejudices as I am only human like you, so please forgive me if there is any mistake.
Keen followers (especially MCA Delegates) are encouraged to keep updating your own CHECKLIST as you find out more about each candidate and arrive at your own conclusions. May you be empowered to ensure selection of righteous leaders in your wisdom and conscience :
CANDIDATE A : The Saviour, Healer or Old Recycled ‘Administrator’??
· Pros
· portrayed as a crisis-healer to restore dignity of party, whilst others are deemed as Clowns in a circus.
· an unprecedented, reluctant Saviour who sacrifices his quiet retirement, personal pride and past glory to run for office
· enjoys wide, co-ordinated media coverage as one who can bring stability, peace, and unity to party
· claimed to have good track record in previous presidency and put in place certain reforms
· has open support by certain veteran party leaders
· Cons
o MCA soo lacked talents that this past leader needs to be Recycled, thereby creating a dangerous, backward-looking precedent
o Seen as an obvious lackey of certain Big Brothers or Tai Kors (favourable Media coverage off late is noticed)
o there is a general fear of Dynasty recurrence
o buried issues (eg ‘snoop squad’, allegations of affiliations over sex tapes) and other ‘old wounds’ highly likely to be resurrected
o Some believed it is unfair to let this candidate to have second bite at the cherry after having been in power for 5 long years
o Some blamed this candidate to be the ultimate trouble-maker, the same person responsible for current MCA leadership crisis, by putting in the same people who created current chaos
o Some observed that during this candidate’s tenure as President, there are No noticeable achievements amongst general public (no bold political reform)
o There is allegation of media manipulation and infiltration of Chinese guilds and associations during this candidate’s earlier regime
o Some resented this candidate’s trademark timidity
o There are allegations of links of this candidate to contenders who has chameleon-like loyalty
Queries for Candidate A
· why could you not have done more during your tenure as President (when the length of time was considerably longer than the current incumbent President) ?
· Why did you not just help to negotiate amongst warring factions, offer Advice and Suggestions to them, if you really meant well for Party’s good and not for any self interests?
· Have you been preparing behind the scenes, provoking much insanity and creating the right environment for your return? Media coverage at all ‘friendly’ channels for your campaign-sake is so well co-ordinated and timed.
· If you are such a principled man as some have claimed, why the about-turn, going back on your own decision to resign and promise not to interfere (but you still did) ??
· Did you really retired with a ‘past glory’ ?
· What value is there for you to be openly supported by certain party veterans whom had been involved in power struggles themselves in the past (is there any vested interests involved) ?
· Should you win the presidency and the party lost as bad again or worse in the next general election, are you going to Resign again ?
· Is your return to helm the top in MCA meant to protect, appease those who hate reform measures for the sake of respective vested interests?
· Will your return really help MCA to woo back rapidly declining Chinese support ?
· Is there any truth to allegations of your past misuse of power in relation to the change of fire extinguishers in buildings, awards of money lending licences, pawn shop licences and Indah Water Consortium contracts to cronies ?
· Can you please declare that you have no Interest whatsoever in PKFZ Project ?
CANDIDATE B : The Seasoned Politician or Unfaithful Wife Betrayer cum Porn Star ?
· Pros
· Said to be enjoying wide grassroot members’ support within party (seems so by frequent media coverage on him shaking hands, patting backs and hosting dinners funded from God-knows-what)
· Praised for his character as one who never admits defeat
· Achieved an amazing feat for having won previously as Deputy President notwithstanding his known and admitted sexual infidelity amongst ‘wise’ Delegates
· Cons
· this candidate is plagued with sex scandal (adultery was self-admitted) – thus, party image stands at serious damage by allowing such person to continue being a leader – voters in General Election who value Faithfulness in relationships may punish MCA for keeping such ‘baggage’
· there is certain allegation that the sex scandal entails acts which are punishable as crime in current existing laws
· During MCA EGM on 10.10.2009, this candidate was not reinstated as Deputy President
· General public perception is that this candidate was hardly remorseful for betraying his wife, family (thus creating serious doubt in his ability to handle party, national matters faithfully)
· Some perceived this candidate as a foxy strategist – who was instrumental in calling for EGM on 10.10.2009 and then pushing for fresh polls this coming 28.03.2010 (despite having agreed to a ‘Greater Unity Plan’)
Queries for CANDIDATE B
· Will you be joining a three-cornered fight as President or will you support someone else?
· Will you be contesting as a Deputy President or other post or not at all ?
· Can you consider retiring soon and allow your junior to take over (you can still guide him to serve the party well if you really love the party) ?
CANDIDATE C : The Bold Reformist or Arrogant Tyrant ?
· Pros
· This candidate is described as Dynamic, Outspoken, unprecedented for MCA leadership
· Noticed to be consistent in reiterating that he will do what were said and deliver what were promised
· This candidate had initiated plans to expand voting rights to broader base of members, hence a clear sign of will for democratisation
· Famous Quote : “What is Truth cannot be False, what is False cannot be Truth / what is true cannot be untrue and what is untrue cannot be true”
· Claimed to have the support of man on the street (but not tycoons)
· notable effort during short and challenging tenure in reaching out to both English and Mandarin-literate community, even to non-Chinese communities
· Perceived by some as a believer and practitioner of truth, integrity and equality for all
· Best known for his role in revealing the details for the colossal PKFZ Fiasco, despite no immediate visible support initially from his subordinates – a show of rare, exemplary courage
· has open support of certain distinguished community leaders
· Cons
· Lost by marginal votes for ‘no confidence’ of his leadership during 10.10.2009 EGM (some argued to be due to attempts to overthrow him including gambling elements)
· His hastened internal reshuffling has ruffled too many feathers
· Suspected root cause for most problems besieging this incumbent president’s leadership : PKFZ revelation
· Perceived by some to be ‘foolishly courageous’ in endangering own career (his power, status, money), possibly life too in stirring hornets’ nest for the PKFZ fiasco
· Perceived by some to be a lone ranger, aloft, combative/having abrasive personality
· Perceived as a tyrant who hardly listened to followers and could not stand being challenged or questioned – (he has sacked certain key office holders whom some argued to be detractors or betrayers in disguise)
· Repeatedly betrayed by comrades conspiring with vested agendas (destabilizing his reform measures for managing party)
· Some blamed the start of party chaos to be due to his personal vendetta with a sexually scandalous senior party leader
· An obvious underdog against certain mainstream newsprints (controlled by tycoons, tai kors who disliked him) which have been spewing much negative perceptions, lop-sided reports and attacks
· Has No open support of certain party veterans (whom may have skeletons themselves)
· Has no time to form alliances, going around to garner grassroot support – eg shaking hands, patting backs, hosting dinners (which could be interpreted as being ‘aloft’ if not for putting his official duties as priority)
· Queries for Candidate C
· Why did you hold on to being a President despite having lost on ‘vote of no-confidence’ (many recalled you once said you will quit even if you lose by 1 vote – how do you reconcile with the law/constitution of the Party that you need to be removed by a two-third majority and not a simple majority? How can people be convinced to believe you should still stay as President by law, but some argued not ‘morally’ after what you have said? Was there any apology or clarification via media about this? )
· How else can you convince your Delegates that you should be given a chance to realise your true potential and capability as a good leader with integrity?
· Have you really buried the hatchet with your ex-No. 2 or will you forgive your detractors, dissidents and let them off the hook, should you become President again ?
· There were lingering allegations of your free jet ride from a tycoon under MACC investigation, the RM10 million contribution – were there any investigation about these, what were the outcome ?
· What exactly are your promised ‘unfinished reforms’ to be implemented if you are re-elected to defend your post ?
· Should you lose in your MCA presidential bid – will you continue to fight on for the Rakyat either as an Independent MP or will you consider joining Pakatan Rakyat ?
CONCLUSION : Candidates should publicise reminders and recap on their respective past ‘achievements’ so far as a Leader of MCA in order to help Delegates decide on Who to vote for.
A Message to all Candidates : Your fate may be decided by Delegates, but do not forget the rest of your ‘audience’ – the voting Rakyat whom will ultimately decide not just yours but also your party’s future via the ballot box.
Contenders should realize that there is no meaning to winning posts if the end result is losing more people’s support come the next general election – unless of course, these are indeed just last minute opportunists looking to plunder the billion-ringgit assets of MCA. If that is the case, please Rest In Peace, go ahead to nail the coffins soon.
Last message to righteous Leader : If your delegates (followers) are really good for nothing, only looking for rewards, self-enrichment and cannot afford any wisdom nor conscience to appreciate you, why don’t you kiss this sinking and stinking old ship good-bye soon, just leave with no regrets nor resentment. Who needs a majority support of rank-and-file (perhaps equivalent to ‘snakes, insects, rodents and termites’) that seek to self-destroy? Surely there will be greener pastures waiting for you. The RAKYAT will be watching …
courtesy of malaysia-today.net
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