By Admin
The corruption of Mahathir: by George Soros - published by Bangkok Post
George Soros (pic above) is not only one of the best investors in the world but very
well informed too. He has spelt clearly what Malaysians have known all the
while.Malaysia with all the riches in raw materials should have a stronger
currency but what started one for one equivalent with S'pore 30 yrs ago now
has lost out to S'pore currency by 2.3 times.
Now Malaysians know
why........Soros has explained in very great detail..... Of course one
cannot get to read this in the main media in Malaysia.
Don't expect the Fake Christian No Balls Wong Chun Wai, Awang Tak Selamat, Baradan Rubbishsamy or Turncoat Akhiruddin Atan (Rocky Poison Bru) to write about this. Mahathir is a menace to his own people, here
The Scribe means the Racist Ketuanan Melayu Umnoputras. He has also thrown his weight behind The Shit Head Ibrahim Ali's PERKASA as the proxy for Umno and PM Najib Razak to further Umno's own racist agenda akin to Zionism. (Now we know why Najib chose APCO for his PR work).
Now only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have caused hardship to. Worse of all, we have the non Malay Parties in the BN Coalition still with Umno.
Publish this Blog post, translate it if you have to for the Voters of Hulu Selangor. Let's bury BN/Umno in Hulu Selangor and elsewhere in Malaysia together with their lap dogs MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PBB, PBS etc..
Subject: The corruption of Mahathir: published by Bangkok Post
Taxpayers and voters were made to pay for his visionionary expenses
enriching selected vendors along the way all paid by taxpayer or rakyat's
money. The corruption of Mahathir: SOROS' REPLY TO MAHATHIR - Adapted
from Bangkok Post (Not published locally)
I have always said Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own people. Now
only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved
its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have
caused hardship to millions of your own people. You have built useless mega
projects at tremendous cost to the country.
The telecoms tower in Kuala Lumpur and the highest building in the
world show how stupid you are. Not only does it cause massive traffic jam,
it has totally no purpose.
If you need high ground for telecoms antennae a nearby mountain is there
for free.
This tower has no purpose from the ground up to 300 metres. The
satelites make this totally unneccesary. A fool and his money are soon
parted. The only thing is you are the fool and the money belongs to
Malaysians. You make 20% in every project, you have real estate in Japan and
billions of shares corruptly acquired.
Your 3 sons are worth 8 billion US$. Where do they get this money? Of
course, corruption.
You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself
to the tune of billions.
You dare to shed crocodile tears during UMNO delegates meeting about the
ills of corruption.
Yet you are the most corrupt of all the prime ministers before you.
A thief is crying thief and hopes people look the other way. Who dares to
say anything when the chief is caught with his hands in the candy jar?
You said wisdom is not the monopoly of the West. So is foolishness. You
have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to
build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. They now stand
tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility. Instead they just add on
to traffic jams. What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally
absurd and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%. And the bridge across from
Malacca to Sumatra across international waters?
Why not build a bridge to the moon? I am sure you still can get your
20%. You called me a Moron. How can a Moron make so much money. By allowing
short selling and borrowing millions of shares from your banks we fund
managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations.
You lose all Malaysians' money, therefore you are the Moron. Now you
know too late and start crying over spilt milk.
In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UKthe
corrupt bastard because of your stupid purchase of our movie studio and the
290 million ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans
from the UK. They are useless to us and you still want to buy them.
What about buying British reject submarines through your agent, of
course. The agent/ broker is designed to make millions out of the Malaysian
Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are
paying. Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK lock, stock and barrel does
not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you
obsolete medical equipment. The design is atrocious, one end to the other is
half a kilometer and there is no CT-scan, an absolute necessity.
In the UK your face appears in no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt
dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth.
In Japan they call you the 'smallest one' (brain size). In Pacific islands,
the Santa Claus (giving advice left and right). In south America they call
you the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know what it is about). In
Manila the living Marcos.
In Malaysia they are spending millions to lure tourists and you talk
rubbish scaring every foreigner away. When he is dumb he is doubted a fool,
when he opens his mouth it removes all doubt."
While I agree the West does not have the monopoly to wisdom, your
actions are not the wisest either. Your EAEC has totally no support even in
Asean. Your South-South dialogue meets with the same fate and what is this I
hear of the Bridge from Peninsula Malaysia to Sumatra covering 20 miles
across International shipping lane?
How crazy can one get? Even the Japanese don't have the money. This
world's stupidity seems to be concentrated in one man's mind - yours.
The multimedia super corridor - MSC -. Well in USA its Most Stupid Concept
because we Americans, would have thought of it light years before. Even if
it makes money, we can copy this concept can't we?
Why do you want to spend your hard-earned money doing questionable
projects? It will be like the Bakun project. Abandoned fund wasted and
another white elephant. I always say politicians should not be involved in
business. Your ministers are also businessmen and almost every official is
enriching himself. Look at Rafidah Aziz, selling thousands of Approved
Permits (APs) for cars each worth 20-30 thousand Malaysian dollars. Why not
your government sell them and make the money? She has acquired millions of
shares meant for bumis for free before she agrees to list them.
Look at your Selangor Chief Minister collecting millions for approving high
rise buildings from businessman. He is worth a few billions.
Unfortunately he was caught with a few million pocket money in Australia.
Every Chief minister is awarding useless projects to his cronies then
collecting secret pay offs on the side. The Land Development Boards and
the Economic Development Boards are used to bail out any loses suffered by
politicians. The profits they keep, the loses they force the Government
bodies to absorb. How can your poor ever close the gap when every good deal
is snatched by your politicians? How can your country get out of poverty if
all the billions of corruption money is taken out of the country?
Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber
concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to
businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative
government contracts; selling approval signatures for a fee 'you pay I
approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas. Thousands of acres of land
are given to one or two companies while thousands of poor people still live
in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river..
Thousands of acres of land are sold to companies for plantations while
the natives do not have even one acre to their name. He is selling sand near
the beaches to one company for earth filling and then ask the government to
spend millions to protect the coastline when erosion occurs.
He lost 300 million of the Sarawak government money trying to make
computer chips. He has built a port in Northern Sarawak town in water so
shallow it needs dredging every year. The Prime Minister built highways
without tender, your cronies get the deal and the price double. Your
Langkawi airport runway was built double the cost by your own company,
The Malaysian nation has lost at least 30 billions during your last 10
years of corrupt rule. One billion lost from the purchase of phantom Skyhawk
war planes nobody has ever seen (are they still in the Nevada desert, USA?).
3 billion lost from the London tin scandal (you thought you could corner the
London tin market without knowing the Americans have a stockpile! Stupidity
at its best. 6 billion Perwaja steel mill where nobody even knows where the
money goes, 3 billion bank Bumiputra scandal when George Tan bribed all the
bank officials to lend him the money.. 6 billion forex lost by Bank Negara
(the fool and his money are soon parted) and 6 billion to build three of the
world's tallest buildings (built by Japanese and Koreans and furniture
imported from France - not Malaysia) and 1 billion lost from purchase of
British warships including fees paid to the broker and under the table..
Add the 10 billion you stole and 5 billion taken by Ministers.
In the 1997 the World Journalists meeting voted Dr Mahathir the Prime
Minister of the Decade. It sounded strange to everybody until it was
revealed those who voted against are threatened by IRD officers and with
losing their jobs. In New York the United Nations 1997 meeting, the most
corrupt Prime Minister of the decade is President Suharto and second Dr
Mahathir (Actually Dr Mahathir should take first place but bribed the
Indonesians to take honour of Number One.
There are Fifty thousand of your university students not given places in
Malaysia but are good enough for places overseas resulting in billions of
dollars lost. The British and the Australians are thinking how stupid. Your
best students are sent overseas raising their standards while as in most
countries the best are kept in local universities and the rejects sent
overseas..A university student in Hong Kong is much more prestigeous than
any Australian counterpart. You have been colonised by the British so long
you cannot even educate your own people. Look at Hong Kong or
Singapore, less than 5% study overseas. All the money saved. Your country
could save billions if every student overseas is recalled to a local
university, and at the same time raising your own standards.
Your people are still without shoes, without land to farm, without
homes, bathing in rivers shitting in holes in the ground, without water and
electricity. Your cities are concrete jungles without greenery and open
spaces. Your KL is jammed with traffic. Yet you still keep on building high
rises. You should come down from the clouds and stop daydreaming and firmly
plant your feet in the ground. Your schools are cramped 500 students to
an acre and thousands of acres are given free to some politicians who leave
them idle. Your parks are being taken by politicians to build
shophouses and every cabinet minister is a land-grabbing businessman who
builds roads only to their cronies' land.
The Malaysians' Prayer, "Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of
timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a
Brain and look we are back to square one again. So just take Dr Mahathir
back to Hell And we will be alive and well."
In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars.With
8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times.
Now you are leading an anti-corruption campaign. We all know what you should
do. Look yourself in the mirror. You see the crooked you. Then use your
left hand and handcuff your right hand. You have put the opposition leader
and his son in jail when they said in parliament you are the richest PM in
the world. And his colleague Mr Karpal Singh too for 2 years.
So I get a reward or bribe if I now say you are the poorest PM in this
world? Your 3 sons are sitting on the board of directors of more than 200
companies. They must have been educated in Harvard school of business and
obtained distintions? Or is it "you don't know me, you don't do business
in Malaysia" law that applies. Billions of ringgit of Employee's
Provident Fund and public Petronas funds are used to bail out your sons who
make losses investing in every venture you thought you could make money.
How unethical and corrupt. Every one of your politicians is sitting on the
board of tens of companies making thousands without any effort, lending
their VIP names to borrow millions from local banks without collateral..
Now these have become non- performing loans. Now you want 20 million
Malaysians to sacrifice for the folly of ONE man? Why not the fool resign
and admit he wasted and took most of the money. I could teach you how to put
your economy on track but first you must apologize to the Malaysian people.
The corruption of Mahathir: by George Soros - published by Bangkok Post
George Soros (pic above) is not only one of the best investors in the world but very
well informed too. He has spelt clearly what Malaysians have known all the
while.Malaysia with all the riches in raw materials should have a stronger
currency but what started one for one equivalent with S'pore 30 yrs ago now
has lost out to S'pore currency by 2.3 times.
Now Malaysians know
why........Soros has explained in very great detail..... Of course one
cannot get to read this in the main media in Malaysia.
Don't expect the Fake Christian No Balls Wong Chun Wai, Awang Tak Selamat, Baradan Rubbishsamy or Turncoat Akhiruddin Atan (Rocky Poison Bru) to write about this. Mahathir is a menace to his own people, here
The Scribe means the Racist Ketuanan Melayu Umnoputras. He has also thrown his weight behind The Shit Head Ibrahim Ali's PERKASA as the proxy for Umno and PM Najib Razak to further Umno's own racist agenda akin to Zionism. (Now we know why Najib chose APCO for his PR work).
Now only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have caused hardship to. Worse of all, we have the non Malay Parties in the BN Coalition still with Umno.
Publish this Blog post, translate it if you have to for the Voters of Hulu Selangor. Let's bury BN/Umno in Hulu Selangor and elsewhere in Malaysia together with their lap dogs MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PBB, PBS etc..
Subject: The corruption of Mahathir: published by Bangkok Post
Taxpayers and voters were made to pay for his visionionary expenses
enriching selected vendors along the way all paid by taxpayer or rakyat's
money. The corruption of Mahathir: SOROS' REPLY TO MAHATHIR - Adapted
from Bangkok Post (Not published locally)
I have always said Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own people. Now
only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved
its value overnight and your economy goes kaput. Single handedly you have
caused hardship to millions of your own people. You have built useless mega
projects at tremendous cost to the country.
The telecoms tower in Kuala Lumpur and the highest building in the
world show how stupid you are. Not only does it cause massive traffic jam,
it has totally no purpose.
If you need high ground for telecoms antennae a nearby mountain is there
for free.
This tower has no purpose from the ground up to 300 metres. The
satelites make this totally unneccesary. A fool and his money are soon
parted. The only thing is you are the fool and the money belongs to
Malaysians. You make 20% in every project, you have real estate in Japan and
billions of shares corruptly acquired.
Your 3 sons are worth 8 billion US$. Where do they get this money? Of
course, corruption.
You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself
to the tune of billions.
You dare to shed crocodile tears during UMNO delegates meeting about the
ills of corruption.
Yet you are the most corrupt of all the prime ministers before you.
A thief is crying thief and hopes people look the other way. Who dares to
say anything when the chief is caught with his hands in the candy jar?
You said wisdom is not the monopoly of the West. So is foolishness. You
have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to
build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. They now stand
tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility. Instead they just add on
to traffic jams. What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally
absurd and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%. And the bridge across from
Malacca to Sumatra across international waters?
Why not build a bridge to the moon? I am sure you still can get your
20%. You called me a Moron. How can a Moron make so much money. By allowing
short selling and borrowing millions of shares from your banks we fund
managers made millions out of your inexperience and poor regulations.
You lose all Malaysians' money, therefore you are the Moron. Now you
know too late and start crying over spilt milk.
In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UKthe
corrupt bastard because of your stupid purchase of our movie studio and the
290 million ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans
from the UK. They are useless to us and you still want to buy them.
What about buying British reject submarines through your agent, of
course. The agent/ broker is designed to make millions out of the Malaysian
Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are
paying. Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK lock, stock and barrel does
not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you
obsolete medical equipment. The design is atrocious, one end to the other is
half a kilometer and there is no CT-scan, an absolute necessity.
In the UK your face appears in no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt
dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth.
In Japan they call you the 'smallest one' (brain size). In Pacific islands,
the Santa Claus (giving advice left and right). In south America they call
you the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know what it is about). In
Manila the living Marcos.
In Malaysia they are spending millions to lure tourists and you talk
rubbish scaring every foreigner away. When he is dumb he is doubted a fool,
when he opens his mouth it removes all doubt."
While I agree the West does not have the monopoly to wisdom, your
actions are not the wisest either. Your EAEC has totally no support even in
Asean. Your South-South dialogue meets with the same fate and what is this I
hear of the Bridge from Peninsula Malaysia to Sumatra covering 20 miles
across International shipping lane?
How crazy can one get? Even the Japanese don't have the money. This
world's stupidity seems to be concentrated in one man's mind - yours.
The multimedia super corridor - MSC -. Well in USA its Most Stupid Concept
because we Americans, would have thought of it light years before. Even if
it makes money, we can copy this concept can't we?
Why do you want to spend your hard-earned money doing questionable
projects? It will be like the Bakun project. Abandoned fund wasted and
another white elephant. I always say politicians should not be involved in
business. Your ministers are also businessmen and almost every official is
enriching himself. Look at Rafidah Aziz, selling thousands of Approved
Permits (APs) for cars each worth 20-30 thousand Malaysian dollars. Why not
your government sell them and make the money? She has acquired millions of
shares meant for bumis for free before she agrees to list them.
Look at your Selangor Chief Minister collecting millions for approving high
rise buildings from businessman. He is worth a few billions.
Unfortunately he was caught with a few million pocket money in Australia.
Every Chief minister is awarding useless projects to his cronies then
collecting secret pay offs on the side. The Land Development Boards and
the Economic Development Boards are used to bail out any loses suffered by
politicians. The profits they keep, the loses they force the Government
bodies to absorb. How can your poor ever close the gap when every good deal
is snatched by your politicians? How can your country get out of poverty if
all the billions of corruption money is taken out of the country?
Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber
concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to
businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative
government contracts; selling approval signatures for a fee 'you pay I
approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas. Thousands of acres of land
are given to one or two companies while thousands of poor people still live
in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river..
Thousands of acres of land are sold to companies for plantations while
the natives do not have even one acre to their name. He is selling sand near
the beaches to one company for earth filling and then ask the government to
spend millions to protect the coastline when erosion occurs.
He lost 300 million of the Sarawak government money trying to make
computer chips. He has built a port in Northern Sarawak town in water so
shallow it needs dredging every year. The Prime Minister built highways
without tender, your cronies get the deal and the price double. Your
Langkawi airport runway was built double the cost by your own company,
The Malaysian nation has lost at least 30 billions during your last 10
years of corrupt rule. One billion lost from the purchase of phantom Skyhawk
war planes nobody has ever seen (are they still in the Nevada desert, USA?).
3 billion lost from the London tin scandal (you thought you could corner the
London tin market without knowing the Americans have a stockpile! Stupidity
at its best. 6 billion Perwaja steel mill where nobody even knows where the
money goes, 3 billion bank Bumiputra scandal when George Tan bribed all the
bank officials to lend him the money.. 6 billion forex lost by Bank Negara
(the fool and his money are soon parted) and 6 billion to build three of the
world's tallest buildings (built by Japanese and Koreans and furniture
imported from France - not Malaysia) and 1 billion lost from purchase of
British warships including fees paid to the broker and under the table..
Add the 10 billion you stole and 5 billion taken by Ministers.
In the 1997 the World Journalists meeting voted Dr Mahathir the Prime
Minister of the Decade. It sounded strange to everybody until it was
revealed those who voted against are threatened by IRD officers and with
losing their jobs. In New York the United Nations 1997 meeting, the most
corrupt Prime Minister of the decade is President Suharto and second Dr
Mahathir (Actually Dr Mahathir should take first place but bribed the
Indonesians to take honour of Number One.
There are Fifty thousand of your university students not given places in
Malaysia but are good enough for places overseas resulting in billions of
dollars lost. The British and the Australians are thinking how stupid. Your
best students are sent overseas raising their standards while as in most
countries the best are kept in local universities and the rejects sent
overseas..A university student in Hong Kong is much more prestigeous than
any Australian counterpart. You have been colonised by the British so long
you cannot even educate your own people. Look at Hong Kong or
Singapore, less than 5% study overseas. All the money saved. Your country
could save billions if every student overseas is recalled to a local
university, and at the same time raising your own standards.
Your people are still without shoes, without land to farm, without
homes, bathing in rivers shitting in holes in the ground, without water and
electricity. Your cities are concrete jungles without greenery and open
spaces. Your KL is jammed with traffic. Yet you still keep on building high
rises. You should come down from the clouds and stop daydreaming and firmly
plant your feet in the ground. Your schools are cramped 500 students to
an acre and thousands of acres are given free to some politicians who leave
them idle. Your parks are being taken by politicians to build
shophouses and every cabinet minister is a land-grabbing businessman who
builds roads only to their cronies' land.
The Malaysians' Prayer, "Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of
timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a
Brain and look we are back to square one again. So just take Dr Mahathir
back to Hell And we will be alive and well."
In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars.With
8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times.
Now you are leading an anti-corruption campaign. We all know what you should
do. Look yourself in the mirror. You see the crooked you. Then use your
left hand and handcuff your right hand. You have put the opposition leader
and his son in jail when they said in parliament you are the richest PM in
the world. And his colleague Mr Karpal Singh too for 2 years.
So I get a reward or bribe if I now say you are the poorest PM in this
world? Your 3 sons are sitting on the board of directors of more than 200
companies. They must have been educated in Harvard school of business and
obtained distintions? Or is it "you don't know me, you don't do business
in Malaysia" law that applies. Billions of ringgit of Employee's
Provident Fund and public Petronas funds are used to bail out your sons who
make losses investing in every venture you thought you could make money.
How unethical and corrupt. Every one of your politicians is sitting on the
board of tens of companies making thousands without any effort, lending
their VIP names to borrow millions from local banks without collateral..
Now these have become non- performing loans. Now you want 20 million
Malaysians to sacrifice for the folly of ONE man? Why not the fool resign
and admit he wasted and took most of the money. I could teach you how to put
your economy on track but first you must apologize to the Malaysian people.
courtesy of MarGeeMar
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