The Police hope that with this ban, which will be until the situation becomes normal, will not be a security threat since a huge number of police personnel have to be deployed to see the 'high tension' situation and to avoid any unnecessary incidents.
Police and the Palace are fully aware that the demands of the rakyat is for a fresh State elections and whatever measures taken would not deter the Perakians to demand for a 'people elected State government' to administer them.
news n picture courtesy of Malaysiakini
umno where are your balls?
The ban is to prevent Pakatan Rakyat (and it members) the opportunities to relay the truth to Perakians, and hopefully, quickly suspress the voices of dissent from Perakians.
After that, the illegal Perak government of BN will be able to appoint the 3 defectors to the remaining Exco positions.
It is planned and conspired with PDRM.
The PDRM is the "Balachi" of the Be End/Umno and will listen to them instead of the Rakyats who are paying their "salaries".
I hope that they don't give UMNO any permit too to be fair and square!!!!but in Bolehland there is always two sets of law !!!!!!
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