Thursday, November 16, 2006


With the current UMNO General Assembly in session, it seems that statements like malay rights, New Economic Policy, bumiputra privileges, May 13 1969 riots and so forth are voiced by the leaders and also by the delegates which incites fear on the other races in Malaysia to shut-up or face a detriment. This unhealthy attitude of these leaders should be stopped as it will lead to a grave indifference between the communities and will deter the successful implementation of our national integration policy.

Just because UMNO seems to be facing a major internal crisis, to camourflage the current situation, UMNO seems to be playing with the sentiments of the malay community. Rather than trying to settle their problems by themselves, they seem to be trying to get the malays to unite under UMNO, so that they could show the other fraction that they need to cool-off any plans to sabotage and undermine the present leadership. Offers of grants amounting to RM 3 Millions had be announced by the UMNO President and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to each division heads to carry out small projects to assist their community. Although this plan is welcomed but the manner this implementation is carried out is worrisome, since these are public funds and it needs accountability and transparency which is lacking.

Just creating incitement or creating fear of another racial riots is really uncall for. The Malaysian society have always be tolerant and had always expected the government to treat every citizen with fairness and respect. Just because the rakyat had questioned the equity methodological basis that the government had arrived, should not be preceived as a retaliation since some study conducted reveals otherwise. The rakyat wants the government to be responsible to every citizen and not to twist with figures just to favour a certain group to keep enjoying the privileges.

During the last general election the government had promised to wipe out corruption, cronyism and nepotism but from the feedback received it seems to be on the rise. The government should take heel of public opinions and redress these issues.

UMNO leaders and delegates should stop criticising the non-umno rakyat and concentrate on unifying their membership. They should find ways so that these leaders could come to a common stand, which will help progress the country. Just trying to create fear is not the answer to any problems.

What will happen next?

1 comment:

Wizzerd said...

I was studying in the UK before.When I was there, I can say that I am very proud to be a Malaysian, even though I am of Chinese descent. Never once, I would identify myself as some other nationality. The development nowadays ( esp the words uttered in the UMNO GA) saddens me as the politicians are looking for scapegoats for their failures and greed and lust for power.