Sunday, April 26, 2009


Raja Petra Kamruddin, the popular and MOST WANTED blogger, has been reported MISSING and had fail to attend his court cases. Today, he reveals his reasons for reporting missing,

It seems that the whole BN and government machinery want to SHUT DOWN RPK from causing further problems.

Now we can realise why the world is ANTI Najib Tun Razak. Now we prove a point : "TRUTH REALLY HURTS".

article courtesy of MalaysiaToday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Raja Petra is a very tough Man of Courage much like ex Prisoner President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. Malaysians should rally and shore up support for his brave ideals and values for a Malaysian Malaysia,without race-baiting politics and hatreds of tribalism that's so characteristic of UMNO and the Najib Tun Razak and his followers. When will JUstice and Equity be meted out to Raja Petra who under circumstances of any civilised Democracy would have been an elected Premier or Foreign Minister that should speak to our Malaysian Mission in the world__Bersekutu dan Bertambah Mutu Dunia! Its not present today.Raja Cahmpion with a legacy of Civil Liberties and Humanity in the Governance of People our ultimate Sovereign in a Constitutional Monarchy !

GCW Heng
Greater Boston/MA/USA The Boston Tea-Party that sent the British packing home to Britain in 1776 !