Thursday, December 13, 2007


It has been reported today that the government has arrested five(5) leaders of HINDRAF namely P. Uthayakumar, M. Manoharan, R. Kenghadharan, V. Ganabatirau and T. Vasanthakumar, under the Internal Security Act. This action was expected to come but since the current leadership had always claimed to be clean and fair, this latest action had taken the country by surprise and the Barisan Nasional will face the stiffest election in the coming polls. It is predicted that they may even lose the coming polls due to their uncaring, ineffective, inefficient and corrupt nature.

One thing the government need to realise is that they have lost the Indian votes at this moment. The struggle for the Indian rights will continue. Even the legal advisor for HINDRAF Uthayakumar had made a video clip and advising his supporters to keep continuing their struggle until the government concede to their demands.

Malaysia will be experiencing its darkest moment in the days to come with many more demonstrations and protest. The Barisan Nasional government will be eventually shamed for taking this drastic form of action against the minority group which had claimed for its rights to be restored as a citizen of Malaysia.

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