Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Since the government had announced a drastic increase in fuel prices effective midnight today, despite claims that a review will only take place sometime in August, the rakyat is devastated and really unhappy with the Barisan Nasional administration who have all the while be deemed UNCARING, INEFFECTIVE, INEFFICIENT and CORRUPT.
To overcome this problem the rakyat will have to resort to bull-a-cart or ride a bicycle.
To really ensure we shame this 'useless' leaders we need to confiscate their VIP luxury vehicles and demand they use alternate non-fuel consumption means of travel like bull-a-cart, bicycle or walk to work effective tomorrow morning. Only then will these 'useless' leaders know how it feels to be.
The rakyat need to change this government immediately and review where the Petronas revenues accumulated over the years had been abused and take drastic action against everyone involved.
There is no other way to resolve this situation - CHANGE THIS 'USELESS' BARISAN NASIONAL GOVERNMENT NOW


awfulviolet said...

I cannot wait for BN to be kicked out and the new federal government to be formed.

Norae said...


Bak kata PM kita.. ubahlah cara hidup.. :(


Bangsa Cina Malaysia said...

saya setuju 100% BN keluar
PR MASUK secepat mungkin.

dusunbukit said...

abolished the whole subsidy systems, lets malaysia economy take it course. petronas must be answerable to parliament. govt must stop mega projets, provide govt scholarship/loan to all eligible receipants, most and formost, create a concerted effort to immediately eradicate poverty.

without all these being done, come next poll, UMNO-BN will ceased to exist.. hmm.. my fingures are itchy to vote..