Thursday, June 26, 2008


The Barisan Nasional Supreme Council Meeting held today had resolved to send a 30 days show-cause letter to Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) over SAPP intending to table a motion of NO CONFIDENCE in Parliament on Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional Chairman, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
SAPP had strongly voiced their dissatisfaction on the way the BN government had been handling the illegal immigrant issue and had failed to set-up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the matter. Instead, a similar ineffective Cabinet Committee have be set-up, headed by DPM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Sabahans had repeatedly blamed the UMNOputras for the mess since they are the culprits in issuing MyKad to illegal immigrants to obtain their undivided vote during the general elections.
SAPP had not committed ANY CRIME. It is UMNO that had committed a CRIME and as usual, UMNO can say and do anything, and nothing happens.
A grace of 30 days have been given to study the situation in Sabah. BN is able to administer the country due to the voters electing BN candidates. There are strong rumours that defection of BN elected representatives was suppose to take place and the FEAR is still there. Sabahans and Sarawakians DO NOT TRUST their counterparts from peninsula Malaysia.
SAPP had openly voiced their move. Furthermore, SAPP should have been invited to attend the BN Supreme Council Meeting since they are still component members. If SAPP should not have been present, then the CULPRIT UMNO should not have attended the Meeting while the remaining members should evaluate SAPP and UMNO's position. The disastrous defeat in the March general elections was mainly due to the mismanagement and insulting character of UMNOputras against some of its component members.
Its time for Sabahans and Sarawakians to demand their elected representatives to resign from Barisan Nasional and TOPPLE this uncaring, ineffective, inefficient, useless and corrupt Barisan Nasional government.
Only then we can see the 'fun' when most BN leaders are arrested for crime against the rakyat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Farmer K works hard on his land.
Helped by his children, they produce a wonderful harvest, year after year.
The harvest that they produce, would be enough to buy better equipment, send his children to a better education and provide enough to pay handsomely for everyone of his workers.

However, they remain poor, having to toil the farm with old equipment, barely have enough to educate his children and some of the workers even have to starve on certain occasions.

Why is this so? Because every year, their harvest is taken by warlords.
These warlords proclaim to protect them. They take everything.
Then they give out barely enough for K and the farm to survive.

This does not happen only to K, but all the farmers in the land.
On occasions, when they sense the farmers and the workers are restless.
They show their generosity by giving a little more... just enough to please the farmers.
They have brainwashed the farmers into believing that the warlords are their protectors, and should be grateful that the warlords give them food to eat.

The warlords are still not satisfied. The know they can take more.
So they bring in immigrants from a poorer country to work on the farms.
They deny knowing where these people come from, but then, proceed approve their permits to stay in the land.

So the farmers, until today, they have produced so much that it made the warlords
obscenely rich. Money in the trillions.. while the farmers and their workers have barely enough to survive. And if things go according to plan, the farmers will be kicked out of their own farms.Soon they will not even have enough to survive.

The warlords just need a little more time, before all their slaves can takeover the farm.
Just a little more time. Only if the troublesome knight did not bring so much attention to their plans. This troublesome knight have rallied the farmers, making them smart.
The warlords know if the farmers all work together, they will not be able continue to plunder the land. That IS a disaster. No more lavish vacations and flying in jets.

The warlords started to treat the farmers nicer, smiling and promising to solve the farmers woes. They promise to buy better equipment for the farm. The promise to build more roads and schools to make the farmers' lives better. They even promise to look into this issue of illegal immigrants that suddenly mysteriously become citizens. While some farmer's children have been waiting years for their citizenship.

The warlords are furious they have to treat the farmers so nice, but for now, the warlords still need the ungrateful farmers. Until then, the warlords will promise anything. They can promise anything, because they do not have to fulfill those promises once the troublesome knight is defeated. Get rid of the troublesome knight, and the farmers will remain subservient again. If the farmers continue to fight among themselves and learn to fear the warlords. There is nothing to stop the warlords from taking over the farms.

So this is a turning point in the farmers lives. The knight cannot fight the warlords alone.
Will the farmers be brave enough to support the knight?
Or will the farmers hope the warlords will continue to be nice to them and hope the warlords fulfill their promises to them?

Whatever decision the farmers make. They deserve what they get.