Malaysiakini reported that the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) has began their investigation by recording statements from Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan and Attorney-General (AG) Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail in reference to a report made by former Deputy Prime Minister and PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that they had fabricated evidence in former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim's black eye incident while at the lock-in in the sodomy case some 10 years ago.
IGP Tan Sri Musa arrived at the ACA headquarters in Putrajaya at 8.20am and only left at around 1.05pm while AG Tan Sri Gani arrived at 9.50am and left at 11.05am.
Last Tuesday, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lodged a police report against Tan Sri Musa and Tan Sri Gani for allegedly fabricating evidence in his trials 10 years ago. At that time, Tan Sri Musa was the investigating officer of the charges against Datuk Seri Anwar while AG Tan Sri Gani was the chief prosecutor.
When Anwar was arrested on Sept 20, 1999, he was brought to the national police headquarters in Bukit Aman where the former deputy premier was beaten by then IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor, resulting in a black eye and injuries to other parts of his body which Tan Sri Rahim had admitted doing subsequently.
What ever their reasons, trying to cover-up is a SERIOUS CRIME and these government officers need to be PUNISHED.
Will the ACA deal with this FAIRLY?
photo n news courtesy of Malaysiakini
"...BPR diberi kuasa mendakwa..." Another plus point untuk Pak Lah.
Sekali pandang, Tan Sri Rahim didapati memukul DSAI, tak kan lah pegawai di bawah tak tau, tak tengok... Tak kan Tan Sri datang bersaorangan ke dalam lockup.
Tapi mungkin juga Tan Sri Musa dan Tan Sri Ghani tak datang bersama Rahim hari tu... dan pegawai yang ada bersama Rahim menyembunyikan fakta daripada mereka. Tapi Kalau Musa atau Ghani ada bersama Rahim haritu, susahlah nak jawab.
Pak Lah biarlah the truth prevail... Whatever it is. Sebagai pemimpin Pak Lah kena adil, kita akan dipertanggung jawabkan di akhirat kelak.
ACA: I Raja Polis, did you fabricate evidence?
IRP: Tidak Tuan, saya berrespektfully bersubmitkan, saya did not.
ACA: Mr. Ganesh Patel, did you fabricate evidence?
GP: No sir, I yam respectfully submitting I did not.
ACA: Good truthful answers. NFA!
Headlines in the ‘Moon & Stars’ by Dato Wong Wai You Want To Know But Vote Wisely or Else…
“After a lengthy and exhaustive in-depth investigation by the ACA, in which I Raja Polis and Ganesh Patel were subjected to intensive grilling and questioning, and ……no stones were left unturned, the ACA……..recommended NFA.
…..PM & DPM quoted by unknown experts and leading analysts
………..DSAI to be charged with malafide SD by ACA” lol!
Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat
September 2008.
Hidup Ketuanan Rakyat 3X
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