Malaysiakini reported today that Dato' Liow Tiong Lai, the MCA Youth Chairman and Minister of Health claims that UMNO is very 'arrogant and insensitive' with the feelings of non-malays, which was the main reason of the disastrous defeat of MCA candidates, as well as BN candidates in the recently concluded March 8 general elections.
UMNO will need to make changes in their attitude if not Barisan Nasional will be defeated in the next polls.
It seem surprising that Dato' Liow had expressed his displeasure but during the recent Barisan Nasional Supreme Council Meeting, MCA had expressed that they fully agree with UMNO and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's decision on SAPP. SAPP had voiced its concern on the illegal immigrant problem that was created by UMNO just for voting purposes by issuing MyKad to these illegal immigrants to vote for the Barisan Nasional/UMNO candidates. If the BN leader and Prime Minister is seen 'not so concern' then a vote of no confidence would be the best option to take and every component party should have stood by with this SAPP rather than agreeing with UMNO, who feel they are the supreme leaders of BN while in actual fact every component party has an equal standing.
Until and unless MCA or any other BN component party could 'stand-up' to UMNO, this double talk will never be accepted by the rakyat whether malays or non-malays. Even the malays are sidelined, its only the UMNOputras leaders and their cronies who are benefiting.
MCA can claim that they are second in line in the BN but if they do not exert their influence to change UMNO, its best for them to LEAVE the Barisan Nasional or join the Opposition. From the current view point, UMNO is so arrogant that they will NOT listen or care for anyone and, until and unless they are toppled and made powerless.
Its up to MCA to make up their mind - To serve the Chinese community or listen to UMNO?
news n photo courtesy of Malaysia with author's views
yes, even the malays are bleeding from the wounds created by the unmoputras. how sad..
hotorsI think race based political party is not good to a country. Only on special occasions or functions, that a dance or a show will be put to show the world that we are a multi racial country. It is only on surface. But the political system itself does not produce racial harmony. World now is moving fast and globalisation, so race based party is out. It only tights our hands to move forward, to be more competative.
admit it, u guys known earlier but still have to bow to them. Only after GE 12 u guys have to guts to said so.
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