Selangor Umno has, in not so many words, told Gerakan to mind its own business on the possibility of maverick parliamentarian Zulkifili Noordin joining Umno.
Selangor Umno liaison chief Abdul Shukur Idrus said it was Umno’s prerogative to accept or reject applications from individuals wishing to join the party.
“It is our (Umno) right to accept or decline applications from individuals. If there is an application from an individual, it will be processed according to procedure. The supreme council will decide on its worth,” he said in a subtle response to Gerakan vice-president Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan’s comments yesterday.
Gerakan voiced its concern over a statement by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that Umno's door "was always open to anyone wanting to become its members", including Zulkifli.
Teng urged Umno and the Barisan Nasional (BN) leadership not to accept the Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP as a member.
He said Zulkifli was sacked by Party Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) for his unwillingness to subscribe to multi-racialism.
"Accepting him into Umno and BN will not augur well for BN as a moderate and multi-racial coalition serving the interests of all Malaysians," he said in a statement.
Zulkifli was expelled from the PKR last Saturday, and became an independent MP.
PAS, a partner in the three-party Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition, has closed its doors on Zulkifili’s re-entry.
This is the second time that Gerakan has broken ranks with Umno-BN.
Also yesterday, its Youth wing in Kedah threw its support behind the reintroduction of local council elections, proposed by Penang's PR-led administration
Youth chief Tan Keng Liang said there were more benefits than setbacks to the suggestion, and urged the federal government to assist the PR in carrying out the polls, including amendments to related by-laws.
courtesy of FreeMalaysiaToday
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