Jelutong Member of Parliament Jeff Ooi Chuan Aun today called on Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Mohd Hanadzlah to apologise publicly for an allegedly racial remark made recently.
Ooi, who is the chief of staff at the office of the Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, said Ahmad Husni has 24 hours to apologise.
Failing this, said Ooi, a police report would be lodged on the matter.
Ahmad Husni was alleged to have made the alleged remark at a dinner organised by the Penang Malay Chamber of Commerce on Friday.
In reference to the DAP-led Penang government, which it is claimed, has been 'oppressing the people', Husni was reported to have said: "Kalau orang cina di Pulau Pinang buli kita, kita lawan balik orang Cina." ('If the Chinese in Penang bully us, we must fight back against the Chinese').
"We have strong evidence. We have the recording of Husni's speech," Ooi was quoted by Bernama as saying at a press conference in Penang.
"If he does not provide a proper explanation in 24 hours, we will ask (Prime Minister) Datuk Seri Najib (Abdul Razak) to remove him (from the Cabinet)."
courtesy of Malaysiakini
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