PKR vice-president R Sivarasa proposed today five ways by which Pakatan Rakyat can drive its march towards taking over the federal government. Given the large investment that the opposition coalition would need to finance its ambitions, the Subang Member of Parliament (MP) said he and PAS central committee member Dzulkifly Ahmad have studied the matter and are proposing, among others, that land in Selangor be used as the primary source of revenue. "We propose that land status be changed from lease hold to free hold at a reasonable premium, with Shah Alam being the pilot area," he said. Another strategy that would endear Pakatan to the people is to implement poverty alleviation mechanisms that are especially focussed on the rural Malay poor. This can include the formulation of a micro-credit scheme and the provision of financial aid to those who fall under the poverty line, said Sivarasa. More attention should also be put on abandoned projects on Malay reserve land. Provide basic services efficiently
The needs of all urban poor regardless of ethnicity, however, must be addressed by tackling issues involving informal 'squatter' settlements squatter issues and reviving at least 50 percent of all projects that have been abandoned in the state, said Sivarasa. Pakatan must also look at enhancing the quality of life of the urban poor and improve the latter's access to public amenities and as well as the state of public housing. "We must remember that most of our votes did not come from (affluent areas such as) Tropicana Country and Golf Resort (where PKR is headquartered), but from Kampung Medan and the likes," he said. Similarly, he proposed that local authorities be more efficient in providing services, especially those which directly affect the people. "Make sure the roads are tarred, the rubbish is collected and drains are clean. People are able to judge the difference in our administration from our efficiency in providing these basic services," he said. People watch Pakatan's moves to determine if they are any more democratic than Barisan Nasional, Sivarasa noted. State exco for information For that, a Freedom of Information act and a Selangor State Assembly Services Enactment (Selesa) should be tabled in the Selangor state assembly, said Sivarasa. However, even if all the above strategies are implemented, the seven percent swing of votes needed for Pakatan to take over the federal government would not be forthcoming if people did not know about them, he said. "One way to strengthen our communications is to have an Information Exco, and to fully utitlise (Selangor government media outlets) Selangorkini and TV Selangor. "If we successfully implement these strategies, we can be confident that BN will continue to be the opposition in Selangor for a long time," he said.
courtesy of Malaysiakini
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