The current PR effort to improve the IGP's image is being orchestrated by Lourdes Charles of The Star. It is not known how much the IGP is paying him to manage the damage control and image enhancing exercise. Nevertheless, it is well known in Bukit Aman that Lourdes Charles is on the IGP’s payroll.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
This is what one of my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman told me this morning, and I quote word for word:
The IGP personally lobbied Treasury to award the PDRM integrated e-com contract to Asiasoft. When various petitions were made opposing this move, an investigation was launched which disclosed that strategic information on the police communication system had already been disclosed to the Singapore Asiasoft office, which had Israeli advisers.
This investigation report was signed of by Dato' Mahsuri, PDRM's Director of Logistcics. I am trying to get you a copy of this report so that you can publish it in Malaysia Today.
When this controversy surfaced, Dato' Mahsuri tried to shift the blame for the report to Dato' Zubaidah, the Deputy Director of Logistics. In an earlier incident, Dato' Mahsuri had also blamed Dato' Zubaidah over the uniform and boots supply contract valued at RM90 million.
Zubaidah is a trained ICT expert and is known to be relatively uncompromised.
Dato' Othman Talib is involved in the Asiasoft controversy just as he was in the Eurocopter-Asiacopter deal. Othman Talib was placed in the Police Force Commission (PFC) by IGP just as Dato' Christopher Wan is now placed in the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPF).
The current PR effort to improve the IGP's image is being orchestrated by Lourdes Charles of The Star. It is not known how much the IGP is paying him to manage the damage control and image enhancing exercise. Nevertheless, it is well known in Bukit Aman that Lourdes Charles is on the IGP’s payroll.
So there you are. The IGP has been trying to plug the leaks in Bukit Aman by transferring many police officers and putting them in cold storage. He has also sent some to be ‘tried’ by the Tatatertib in the hope that he can bring down all those officers suspected of feeding Malaysia Today ‘sensitive information’.
Well I have news for the IGP. I control the ‘third force’ in Bukit Aman, not him. And I am many steps ahead of him at all times. Try as he may in his efforts to rid Bukit Aman of elements that are working with Malaysia Today he has still not been able to track the core of our penetration.
Yes, it does feel good when you can brag that Malaysia Today has its tentacles right into the heart of Bukit Aman. But, hey, what’s the point of being steps ahead of your adversary if you can’t brag about it?
Would the government like to investigate the above allegation by my Deep Throat? Would the government like to set up an Inquiry? If so then Malaysia Today can arrange for all these witnesses to come forward so that the IGP and all those walking in the corridors of power who are in cahoots with the IGP can be hanged from the highest tree in the Lake Gardens just outside Bukit Aman.
By the way, talking about the Lake Gardens outside Bukit Aman, do you want me to add insult to injury? Okay, let’s do that. I would like the IGP to know that I used to meet my Deep Throats just outside the rear entrance of Bukit Aman at that tea stall near the car park in the Lake Gardens. That’s right. We used to meet right under their noses and they were totally unaware about it. Is that not adding insult to injury?
Meanwhile, see the documents on Asiacopter below. And note one prominent name, Othman Talib. In the next episode in this series we shall show you the links between Othman Talib and Web Power, the company mentioned in the IGP’s letter to the Prime Minister that we published yesterday.

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