Othman Talib is the IGP’s plant in the Police Force Commission (PFC). And he is also the front-man for the IGP’s dirty dealings involving the police helicopter and computerisation projects that involves billions of Ringgit and which has exposed the country to a security risk and penetration by spies from a declared ‘enemy state'.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Bukit Aman should learn a thing or two about misinformation and disinformation campaigns. We in the opposition have been using this tactic since way back in 1998 to confuse the Malaysian government and its intelligence services, and quite successfully at that too.
Remember the BERSIH rally of November 2007? We successfully confused the police and made them believe that we were going to assemble on the Selangor Club padang and the entire police force also assembled there. The police helicopter was circling the padang and when it came low I waved at it so that
they could see me. And while they surrounded the empty padang we marched to the Agong’s palace behind their backs.
My ‘escape’ was another such exercise in misinformation and disinformation. I knew that there are some moles in the opposition and that not all could be trusted. I did not know, however, who the moles are so I ‘leaked’ different stories to different people.
To one suspected mole I told him that I escaped to Thailand by boat and that the boat engine conked out three times in the high seas. That was the story that came out in the mainstream newspapers.
To another suspected mole I told him that I escaped to Thailand through Langkawi with the help of the Consul General of Thailand in Langkawi. Now, it seems, the Malaysian government has demanded that the Thai government expel this Thai Consul General.
And how do I know this? Well, my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman told me and I was also told the Thai Consul General has already been instructed to pack his bags and leave within the next 24 hours.
Actually, the poor chap does not even know me or I him. But now he is in hot soup and probably will see his career cut short. I am sorry he has become a victim of my misinformation and disinformation campaign.
However, as they say, all is fair in love and war and this is war.
This just proves that there are many moles in the opposition and I have ferreted out those suspected of being government agents, with some innocent victims though, unfortunately.
Anyway, I want to bring you back to this letter from the IGP to the Prime Minister that Malaysia Today published a couple of days ago.

Now, note the part that mentions Web Power. And please also note the common name in Asiasoft and Web Power, Othman Talib.
Othman Talib is the IGP’s plant in the Police Force Commission (PFC). And he is also the front-man for the IGP’s dirty dealings involving the police helicopter and computerisation projects that involves billions of Ringgit and which has exposed the country to a security risk and penetration by spies from a declared ‘enemy state'.
And as follows are the documents on Web Power.

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