The United States of America witness for the first time a African-American leader as their next President after a stunning victory this morning.
Barack Obama was declared the President -elect against Senator John McCain.
At his first speech at his victory rally, Obama was quoted as saying that 'Change has come to America'.
can a non malay become PM
of Malaysia ?????
do we need another 50 years...
to bangsa cina malaysia answer....NO NO NO NOT EVEN IN 50 YEARS TIME!!!
reason is all set in examples of incidents happened IN MALAYSIA !!
1) ahmad ismail remarks
2) tearing of COWARD dtk khoo ex-cm of penang photo
3) trying to set extra seats for non-chinese in malaysia univercity which is going down in drains in world ranking
4) scrapping of nep
5) appointment of non-chinese to head a government body in selangor
6) extra language on sign boards besides english and malay
7) using only malay anf properly making jawi as complosory in all schools
these are some incidents why non-malays CANNOT BE PM though the PM tries to con the rakyat that ANYONE CAN BE !!!
in malaysia, faces of races is very important to some fanatics. they think only their race can lead malaysia. if that is so, we should have the best and most developed country in ASIA BUT WE ARE NOT!!! why can't japan, taiwan, china and korea LOOK UP TO US since we had formed malaysia for +50 years!!!??? its because of in-effiecient RACE LEADERS TO GUIDE MALAYSIA !!!!
if tehre is a change of race power in malaysia, all hell will go loose if this happens - made no question about it!!!
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