A Sarawak parliamentarian has today spoken out strongly about the urgent need to end the long rule of the 'arrogant' Barisan Nasional government as rumours of potential crossovers pick up steam with Sept 16 only two weeks away.
The MP, an Iban who asked not to be identified, called Malaysiakini to say that Special Branch police officers had contacted him to check whether his name was linked to rumours of crossovers now making the rounds in Kuala Lumpur.
The rumours are related to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's plan to boost his Pakatan Rakyat's parliamentary ranks with defections from the ruling BN parties to take over the federal government by Sept 16.
The MP told Malaysiakini that while he could not be enticed with money, he nevertheless wants to see political change since it will be for the good of Sarawak.
He also said that the top BN leadership no longer inspires the nation and has lost the confidence of the majority of Malaysians.
“They refuse to recognise realities even when they are heading for doom,” added the Iban MP, who is from a rural constituency in central Sarawak.
Party leaders briefedThe MP said the president of his Dayak-based BN component party had brief party leaders at a recent supreme council meeting on the latest political developments and indicated how they might have to respond when the time comes.
Despite fervent denials by the Sarawak BN leadership that the state component parties - PBB, SUPP, PRS and SPDP - are strongly united, there is little secret that the Dayak members within the ruling coalition are far from happy with the present power equation in the state.
Anwar has promised if Pakatan comes to power he would like to see a Dayak be chief minister, just as in Sabah where he had promised that a Kadazandusun would be CM if there is a change in government.
Sarawak's first and second chief ministers - Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Penghulu Tawi Sli - were Dayak from the Iban community before Rahman Yakub, who is from the Melanau minority, took power in 1970 and he was followed by his nephew, Abdul Taib Mahmud, in 1981.
There are, according to rumours, at least half a dozen potential crossovers from Sarawak and that in Sabah, the number be as many as one dozen coming from at least three parties there.
The MP, an Iban who asked not to be identified, called Malaysiakini to say that Special Branch police officers had contacted him to check whether his name was linked to rumours of crossovers now making the rounds in Kuala Lumpur.
The rumours are related to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's plan to boost his Pakatan Rakyat's parliamentary ranks with defections from the ruling BN parties to take over the federal government by Sept 16.
The MP told Malaysiakini that while he could not be enticed with money, he nevertheless wants to see political change since it will be for the good of Sarawak.
He also said that the top BN leadership no longer inspires the nation and has lost the confidence of the majority of Malaysians.
“They refuse to recognise realities even when they are heading for doom,” added the Iban MP, who is from a rural constituency in central Sarawak.
Party leaders briefedThe MP said the president of his Dayak-based BN component party had brief party leaders at a recent supreme council meeting on the latest political developments and indicated how they might have to respond when the time comes.
Despite fervent denials by the Sarawak BN leadership that the state component parties - PBB, SUPP, PRS and SPDP - are strongly united, there is little secret that the Dayak members within the ruling coalition are far from happy with the present power equation in the state.
Anwar has promised if Pakatan comes to power he would like to see a Dayak be chief minister, just as in Sabah where he had promised that a Kadazandusun would be CM if there is a change in government.
Sarawak's first and second chief ministers - Stephen Kalong Ningkan and Penghulu Tawi Sli - were Dayak from the Iban community before Rahman Yakub, who is from the Melanau minority, took power in 1970 and he was followed by his nephew, Abdul Taib Mahmud, in 1981.
There are, according to rumours, at least half a dozen potential crossovers from Sarawak and that in Sabah, the number be as many as one dozen coming from at least three parties there.
news courtesy of Malaysiakini
How come SB being employ for BN/UMNO benefit?????
Taxpayers money for BN/UMNO?????
Is it SB's business to be in the political arena? If they have too much time on their hand, they should be manning traffic where it is needed. Thought that the police were neutral. When the new government comes in the head of SB be scked for dereliction of duty.
Maybe it is time for the ACA to investigate the SB and cohorts.
SB another running dog serving its political masters...what a blooming joke!
So the right of an individual to choose to become who he represents comes under the aegis of the SB ???? This can only happen under Mugabe , shocking to see the arrogance of UMNO and its cahoots . The worst part is under a Man called Badawi , he should be more for the Russian Republics.
From this i can easily deduce , how billions are carted away to the Enforcement agencies , just to keep them as Bodyguards for the UMNO ..... This Pariah Status has to be ended soon by DSAI. He is our only hope to kill the Devil !!!!! This country has gone to the dogs !!!! Shocking!! What kind of PM -- will go to the public ans say -- hell be going thro the Memos. -- just to entice votes ????? SO DAMN CHEAP -- seeing his face at the Merdeka -- tells of the true Devil he is . There is not one Great Statesman to check the ROT in this Country . SAD state !!!!
The writer of the Malaysiakini article is a 'first class prostitute of a journalist'.
He hides behind the pen name 'Tony Thien' and churns out loads of lies and propaganda for the Opposition.
The venom in his lies depends on the value of the notes he receives.
S.C.Chan a.k.a Tony Thien, according to our sources in Sarawak, used to be the favoured 'whore' of Tun Rahman when he was chief minister.
'Tony Thien' who now preaches non-stop was also given timber concessions during Tun Rahman's time... the proceeds from which he blew on Filipino bar-girls.
A retired journalist from Kuching confirmed that 'Tony Thien' was almost a bankcrupt now, thus his willingness to sell his soul again.
Hopefully Malaysiakini maintains some standards in its reports those who produce them. Don't just post anything on your portal, even when its just loads of rubbish from an old prostitute.
Tony is also a 1st class racists who is harping on the sentiments of the Dayaks, while promoting the Opposition.
Anwar says, "anak Melayu, anak saya", "anak India, anak saya", "anak Cina, anak saya" while Najib waved the keris said he will bathe the keris with Chinese blood n now this BN mp Ahmad Ismail said Chinese are "squatters".
i wonder what kind of idiot still hav faith in the govt? definitely only those cronies of BN!
whatever it is, east malaysia have been isolated for far too long & is left behind in everything!!
wouldnt it be wonderful if developement is in par with the west so that our children can make a living back in our own states n dont have to travel far to the west & squabble with the west malaysians for any measely jobs the cities have to offer? families are now broken apart as a result of lack of proper employment n have to move to the west just for a job, as there isnt much career options in sarawak, while the current high airfares arent helping much.
alot of us just want to go home n have a job which can give a future at home but these days that is near impossible.
if these sarawakian BN MPs still have a heart, they should know what to do.
Congratulation Sarawak and Sabah MPs if you decided to join Anwar in the move to take over the federal Goverment.
The Offer made by Anwar that the next CM of Sarawak be an Iban (not a racialist)i.e Leo Moggie is most welcome.
DSAI hinted that if PK becomes government, he will make a kadazan as Sabah CM and a dayak as sarawak CM. I don't know much about sarawak so i give no comment .
as for sabah, i wish to protest havin a kadazan to as CM as he don't deserve it mainly because :
1) look at the last general election. all kadazan areas went to BN side meaning these people don't support anwar
2) no kadazan really protest against :
a) dna implementation
b) no confidence vote against bodowi and naShit
c) UiTM demonstration
d) insults by Barbaric Nationalist especially on chinses as PTI and indians as scrapp metal collectors only
f) the fuel hike of 40% and its reduction of only a mere 0.15 cents per litre
g) the below RM20 electricity bill insult
based the above, i strongly request DSAI to review his appointment and analyse that who are the actual people who vote against BN & lost only by mere margins. Those areas are, i'm sure, are voters of other races and NOT KADAZANS!!!
It is time to do the right thing. And so suddenly , secret branch is called to mitigate the crosssover.
Anonymous said…
In 2004 GE11, the Malaysian Voters have had given the PeeM AAB 90% of the seats in Parliament with a Mandate of almost full support but what had he done to Malaysia, with his arrogance & ungratefulness, he tried to oppress & betray the Rakyats and mismanage the Government and suppressed the MSM News and spun lies and deceits. What could PeeM AAB ever do anything to Ahmad Ismail??? As he himself professes & shares like-minded with Ahmad Ismail the same common seditious thoughts.
Light-up the Candles now and but justice for all ISA detainees come the new dawn of Malaysia soon.
Where is the justice & freedom of expression because all our MSM News are suppressed or spun, where have the Truth and Merdeka gone to, perhaps the goons under BN Government, ok??? Malaysia is going backwards after 51 years instead of going forward under the Racist UMNO, calling the “Chinese Squatters” to leave and “Babi Cabinet” if Anwar wins Permantang Pauh and if he forms the Pakatan Rakyats’ Federal Government. What independence is there when there is none but a Police State in the making and where is the Justice for Altantuya and those in the ISA detention without trial or rights of appeal to seek natural justice???
The UMNO Government is afraid that more cans of worms will be spilled by RPK and therefore they banned his blogsite which is a futile attempt to block information in this IT age, of course this is because of this Present Moronic Government is corrupt and dirty therefore on the pretext of helping the Rakyats, they could extract, swindle and plunder more money from the Budget Deficit and with most of the Deficit Money coming from Petronas. Look for example at the Crystal Mosque’s and Mariner Club’s Fiasco in Terengganu’s Billions in Wang Ehsan, Billions had been lost as white elephants. The cancellation of the Johore Scenic Bridge, Penang Second Bridge and LRT Projects at the whims and fancies of the Flip Flop, Incompetent and Sleeping PeeM at the last minutes is wasting Multi Millions Ringgits in Public Funds had shown proof of the PeeM’s mismanagement of the Government and wastage of the Public Financial Resources and all these wasted funds could not be salvaged to aid and assist the Malaysian Poor Citizens of all races. If Malaysia still keep him in power it will further damage and erode the Wealth of our Nation and our National Wealth could be decimated in no time.
The same could happen to all the empty promises of aid and help to the Rakyats these could all be lip service only unless it is monitored by reputable NGOs. On the irreversible Food Prices inflation, the unnecessary Moronic previous price hike on Petrol & Diesel had caused great permanent damage to the Food Price Structure and even if the price cut to Petrol and Diesel revert to their original prices prior to their hike, it will not revert the Food prices back to their original state and only the PeeM is to be solely blamed for his unwarranted Fuel Price Hike. His 2009 budget did not help the Rakyats’ quelled their immediate hardship suffered nor did that help them solve their Transport Problems immediately with multiple schemes but none available immediately with all the empty rhetorics but nothing concrete that could solve their immediate problems after years of neglect from this incompetent sleeping PeeM. As it is he is still sleeping and still unaware of what the 27 Million Rakyats wanted, needed and aspired to have coming soon??? Come Sept 16, 2008 send him home to sleep forever he is no longer needed.
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