With the release of reporter Tan Hoon Cheng and MP for Seputeh and Kinara State Assemblywoman and Senior State Executive Councillor Teresa Kok, it would be rightful for the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to resign since these detentions were done wrongfully which has tarnish the good name and reputation of our country locally and internationally.
Even the detention of MalaysiaToday blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin is considered 'unreasonable' but just to show that people in power could and can do anything.
It has come to a stage that Ministers and government officials must take full responsibility for their actions. The country should not practice 'double-standards' since the laws are meant to be respected and obeyed by everyone.
Will Datuk Seri Syed Hamid resign immediately?
No chance he wl resign....needs to be booted out once there's a change of guard. Goes to show Malaysia is not safe anymore with people like him in control or OUT of control
Syed Hamid resign? Wakakaka! This guy is no Zaid Ibrahim lah.
He's the biggest clown amongst the lot of rubbish.
waah so fast people forget there's another blogger in ISA. Sheikh. Remeber him?
He resign? It's like asking him to ISA himself? This al-jabbar-the-nut is similar to that kera jantan one a disgrace to the profession, the other to its alma mater.
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