Saturday, September 27, 2008


A recent survey conducted by Independent Merdeka Centre reveal that Malaysians prefer Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would make a better prime minister compared with Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

In the same survey, Malaysians also appear more divided than ever over their support for the country's political leadership, while there are also sharp differences in preferences between the different races, with a majority of non-Malays supporting Datuk Seri Anwar, while more Malays preferred Datuk Seri Najib.

Between September 11 and 22, Merdeka Centre carried out a leadership performance perception on a cross section of 1,002 people of voting age from the three main ethnic communities in the country and among the questions asked was: "Between Najib Razak and Anwar Ibrahim, who do you think makes a better prime minister?

It must be very clear to the BN government that their support and confidence is eroding and it would not be long that the BN government is toppled.

news n photo courtesy of National Express

1 comment:

NewChief said...

who becomes PM i eally don't care. if that PM can reduce the costly needs of the rakyat, the rakyat will really rally behinh that government.

the present government though has reduced fuel costs by a mere % (which they are really proud of), all goods are still sold at high price and is still going up!! thus, we see this government as a failure in managing the economy of malaysia. maybe they should really SACK THE CULPRIT IN CHARGE OF MANAGING THE ECONOMY!!!

as for dsai, his talk is as big and deep as the ocean but this is 'MUSIC' to our ears. thus we have no choice but to put HIGH HOPES for him to become PM SOON!! give him the chance to prove because the present najib (finance minister) and bo's bn HAS FAILED !!!